DCS is partnering with the Backpack Buddies Program again this school year to offer nutritious food to students every weekend. Need form? Click HERE to print and bring to Mrs....
Downsville Central School Athletics 14784 State Highway 30, Downsville, NY 13755 - (607) 363-2112 Burton R. Reed II - Athletic Director We are very excited to announce that D...
CDO Workforce is currently taking applications for summer job placements for youth ages 14-20 who are interested in working in their own communities. . The Summer Youth Employmen...
S.A.T. Prep Online Course for students grades 10-12 Seminars are offered each fall and spring and are held virtually. The six-week preparation program includes live virtual instr...
On December 14th, 2023, the Downsville Central School District will be conducting a vote on one proposition in relation to the current roof failures. The history and details of th...
Catskill Area School Study Council is excited to offer an in-person workshop focused on strategies and test-taking tips to help you prepare and approach the SAT exam with confiden...
Parents/Guardians and students will use the DCS Eagles APP for district and school news, events, dining, and more. Rooms is fully integrated into our district app so you have one ...
The Arc of Delaware County hosts high school students ages 15-18 in an internship in Human Services. See the 3 attached links for more details and application forms. Information...
Upcoming Saturday Seminars is being offered by Catskill Area School Study Council at SUNY Oneonta. For MORE INFO click the link below!
3-5th Grade CLICK HERE 6-8th Grade...
DCS is partnering with the Backpack Buddies Program again this school year to offer nutritious food to students every weekend. Need form? Click HERE to print and bring to Mrs. ...
After Prom will be held at the Holiday Mountain Family Fun Park in Monticello. PleaseCLICK HERE to read FULL details and print permission slip to turn in.
Dear Parents/Guardians, Downsville CSD is happy to announce that this summer we will again have the summer program for all students entering grades K through 8. This year the pr...
CLICK HERE --> DEC Recruitment Packet The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is hiring recreation staff for the summer camping season. The Bureau of Recreation o...
It is that time of year again! CDO Workforce is currently taking applications for summer job placements for youth ages 14-20 who are interested in working in their own communiti...
2022-23 School Climate Survey As part of the School Climate Transformation Grant, we are asking you to please take a few minutes to complete the following survey (link to t...
Scheduling: Attention parents and students
I will be meeting with students individually in grades 8-11 to plan for their schedule next year starting next week, 3/6. I will s...
Attention all artists and problem-solvers!
Ms. Comer is welcoming students into the Art Room on Thursdays to form an Art Club that will participate in the 2023 NYS Olymp...