DCS Saturday Recreation 2023
For grades 3-6 from 1-2:30pm
January 7 Soccer
January 14 OFF
January 21 Eclipse Ball/Volleyball
January 28 Pickleminton/Pickleball/Badminton
February 4 Floor Ball/Table Ball/Gaga Ball
February 11 Whiffle Ball/Kick Ball/Mat Ball
February 18 Backyard Games/Tumbling
Good to Know
Students should be prepared for active play with dry sneakers and their own water
bottle. Activities will take place in the big gym. Drop off/pick up will be at the bus loop
entrance. The Saturday Rec program may be canceled due to inclement weather or JV
and Varsity make up basketball games. 5th and 6th grade students must be academically
eligible to participate.
Want to Join the Fun? Fill out the permission slip and return to Mrs. Hill.
Questions? Call Mrs. Hill @DCS or email ahill@dcseagles.org
Click HERE to print permission slip

DCS Saturday Recreation 2023
December 20, 2022