History of Title 1

Title I is the largest program of federal funding in education, signed into law in 1965 by

President Lyndon Johnson. President Johnson recognized the extremely difficult problem that

children throughout the country were having with their reading, and mathematics. In an effort

to help them catch up, extra attention, materials and teachers were provided by the

Elementary Secondary Education act, Title I (ESEA).

In 1981, President Ronald Reagan formed the Education Consolidation Improvement Act,

Chapter I Basic (ECIA).

In 1988, the ECIA, Chapter I Basic program became the Hawkins-Stafford Elementary and

Secondary School Improvement Act of 1988.

In 1994, Congress passed a series of educational legislation, submitted by President Bill

Clinton, strengthening the parent-school community partnerships.

On July 1, 1995, after reauthorization, the program is now Title I of the Elementary and

Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

On December 2001, President Bush signed into law the “No Child Left Behind Act”.

The Title I law requires the meaningful involvement of parents in school level planning,

development and design of initiatives to improve student achievement supported by Title I funds.

Where we are...

The purpose of Title I is to assist schools in improving student achievement, staff development

and parental involvement. All public schools receiving Title I funds are district schools

operating as School wide Programs. Schools utilize Title I funds to enhance the regular district

instructional program. Schools use funds to:

  • add highly qualified staff,

  • support parent and community involvement efforts,

  • improve staff development,

  • purchase additional instructional materials and supplies,

  • add technology and needed equipment.

  • Title I Parent Involvement

The Title I program for parents is designed to 1) inform parents about Title I regulations, 2)involve parents in local Title I decisions, 3) provide literacy training, 4) offer parents training in schools and in the community on ways to work with their children at home to raise student achievement, and 5) encourage active participation in their children’s schools and education.

Public Law 103-382 requires:

  • All Title I schools to develop jointly, with parents of participating children, a parentstudent-teacher compact (written agreement) that states what parents, students and the school will do together to raise student achievement.

  • Schools must sponsor an annual meeting for all Title I parents and involve parents in an “organized, ongoing and timely way” in the planning, review and improvement of Title I schools.

  • Each Title I school utilize a percentage of its Title I allocation to support a comprehensive parental involvement program.